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Digoxin, plasma or serum

Gene name / Alternate gene name
Lab area
Clinical Biochemistry - TDM & Toxicology
Method and equipment
Abbott Architect ci4100
Expected turn-around time
STAT: 1 Hour Urgent: 4 Hours Routine: 24 Hours
Specimen type

Serum, Plasma (Heparin or Citrate)

Specimen requirements

300 uL

Storage and transportation

4°C (transport with a cool pack if possible)

Special requirements

Note: If the patient is on Digibind therapy for the treatment of toxicity, the total digoxin result will be falsely elevated. Refer to the clinical significance for Digoxin (Free) for a complete description. In this case, both the Total and Free Digoxin levels should be requested.

Shipping information
The Hospital for Sick Children
Rapid Response Laboratory
555 University Avenue, Room 3642
Toronto, ON
M5G 1X8
Phone: 416-813-7200
Toll Free: 1-855-381-3212
Hours: 7 days/week, 24 hours/day
Background and clinical significance
Digoxin is widely prescribed for the treatment of congestive heart failure and various disturbances of cardiac rhythm. Therapeutic use of digoxin improves the strength of myocardial contraction and results in the beneficial effects of increased cardiac output, decreased heart size, decreased venous pressure, and decreased blood volume. Digoxin therapy also results in stabilized and slowed ventricular pulse rate. In combination with other clinical and electrocardiographic data, serum digoxin levels provides the physician with useful information to aid in adjusting patient dosage at subtherapeutic and toxic drug levels.
Disease condition

Cardiac Glycoside

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